Looking directly at Hunter I wasn't sure if he was joking or being completely serious. We decided to meet for an early dinner after we both had a stressful day. The small authentic Mexican restaurant on the Upper East Side was one of my favorites. The live Mexican band played while diners decided if they were going to try the $35.00, $40.00 or $50.00 shot of Tequila. The food was superb!!
Hunter continued to eat as if nothing insane was just spoken. “Are you serious?” I asked. Maybe I was hearing things. I've learned recently that I have some hearing loss.
“I'm very serious. I don't like you being with Tim as much as you do.” Hunter replied. Never meeting my glaze.
“So what am I suppose to do? Just wait until you have an free afternoon to spend with me. You're nuts.” Confused, I couldn't believe that he would say such a thing.
“I'm not telling you want to do. I'm saying that I don't like it. Your getting to close to him. You just got out of a marriage --” Holding my hand up, interrupting his sentence “I'm asking you again, You want me to wait for you?”
“I'm not saying wait. I'm saying that I thought that we would have some time to ourselves before you got into a serious relationship. I know this is selfish, but its how I feel. I love you Victoria. Just the thought of him...”
Mentally, I'm completely able to understand where this is coming from. Hell, I've been there with him. Knowing that his wife is spending an Saturday afternoon with him would send me into an emotional frenzy. But I had to come to a conclusion: He not mine.
Now that the tables have turned it's Hunter's turn to understand: I'm not his.
“I'm not going to stop seeing him.” Finally meeting my eye contact. “That upset's me.” he finally said.
We finished the rest of our dinner in silence...