Sunday, December 4, 2011

Private Reality

Previously on Thoughts of a Mistress:

I met this wonderful married man Hunter Smith on Ashley Madison website. We began a sexy affair. Only my cousin (Rachel) and friend (Maya) knows about Hunter. Hunter decided to take me to Vegas because of my separation from my (fake)husband and getting fired from my (real)job.


“You've joking right!” Rachel screamed with laughter, she could barely hold in her drink. “You're on birth control! How could you not know.” Maya was sitting on the other side of Rachel eyes wide and shaking her head. We were drinking inside the seductive Madame X bar on Houston street.
I didn't realize that getting my monthly cycle would be the major point during and after my Vegas trip.

“Yes, but I never put two and two together. I just make sure that I take them.” Remembering the exact moment that I hated getting my period. There I was standing in the airport bathroom when I got my period. Glad that I got it cause that meant no baby, but pissed that it came cause that meant no sex. My sexy weekend started with a disaster. I had no idea how Hunter would react, but I know that I've never had sex while I was on my period. It just seems really messy.

“So what happen?” Maya asked. Two tall good looking men in business suits walked passed us. Before I answered we all did our signature non verbal hello. Maya would flash her million dollar smile, Rachel would slowly run her hand across her cleavage while crossing her legs, and I would make direct eye contact and slowly look him up and down while biting on my lip. The two men was startled at the open display of sexuality coming from us that they both tripped and nearly fell.

“When I left the bathroom, I texted Hunter and told him that I started my period. When he got the text he looked up at me with a crazy look.”

“Wait, I'm confused. You texted him? Why didn't you just tell him?” Maya questioned

“Cause we didn't sit together. I told him since I'm going through a separation I shouldn't be seen with a man. So we didn't sit together in the airport or during the flight. I have to make my fake marriage separation look real as possible.” Hunter understood my motives and agreed saying that it wouldn't be a good look for him either.

Hunter: R U serious???
Victoria: Yup
Hunter: Damn, that's fucked up. I guess we will spend more quality time outside of the bedroom then
Victoria: Aren't you mad
Hunter: Nope, as long as I get to be with you I'm okay.

“So if there was no crazy sex in Vegas I can imagine you sucked his dick until your jaws hurt?” Rachel asked looking at her phone. She was in the middle of expanding her clothing store so she was waiting for an important email from her attorney.

“Your right we didn't fuck but Hunter left Vegas very satisfied. He has no cause for complaint.” I said we a smirk. Even though I knew that Hunter was okay with not having sex during my period this was still a sexy vacation. So I let my mouth do the pleasing. I sucked him whenever and wherever I wanted. He would wake up to my mouth wrapped around his dick or I would drop to my knees before we went out. I always made sure that he would have an explosion orgasm. One night I even got the nerve and performed fellatio on him in the back of the taxi. It was late, dark, and we both were drunk. I'm sure the taxi driver didn't care cause I could hear him breathing simultaneously with Hunter.

“But my suspicions of him not being married continue this weekend. Not once did I see him walk away from me and call his 'wife'. We were together 24/7. If he has a son, shouldn't he check in on him?” I said to Rachel and Maya

“Did you call your husband?” Rachel asked

“Of course, I did. I even texted him pictures.” I said laughing. Throughout our trip I made a point to watch Hunter. I wanted to watch his behaviors. While we were together, he never checked his phone for texts, emails, or missed calls. I never saw him talking softly to someone. Nothing. It was as if he didn't have a life in New York waiting for him. Over dinner one night I ask him about his wife and if he should call her. His responds was that she understand that he's on a business trip and that he is working. In my mind that's no excuse for not checking in if you have a wife.

On our last night we went to a strip club. As we left the club we drove pasted The Little White Chapel. “That's where all the celebrities get married.” The taxi driver pointed out to us. Hunter and I was in the back kissing and enjoying each other. “Maybe we should take a look inside.” Hunter whispered in my ear. “What for we can't get married. It wouldn't be legal.” I replied. My heart was beating a mile a minute. “One day I'm going to make it legal. I plan to have you in my life forever.” Hunter said kissing me on my neck.

“So over all you had a great trip.” Maya asked as we were leaving the bar. Maya had to get home and Rachel had a middle of the night fucking session that she was headed too. “If was fucking fantastic.” I said with a smile.

After we said our goodbyes I decided not to head straight home. As I walked down the busy NYC street I felt light. So light that my feet wasn't touching the ground. Spending four days with Hunter was magical and I wouldn't change a thing. We had our own private reality and nothing bad could come from it.

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